Mickey Mouse Plush FashionBy Doped Out M -- Limited Edition COVERT
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Worth every single dollar. Was skeptical and already bought the regular black covert. Loved it. Became my favourite case quickly. Then I saw another doped out plush fashion for my phone 1 more left and pulled the trigger. Got my order and all is well. Much better than I expected. Whatever they used for the artwork on the back is top tier. Great grip and great look. Covert has things most cases don't. Kickstand, check. Open front screen, check. Drop protection, check. Checks off all the boxes and adds a nice premium feel to my phone. Really love this case and ghostek. Only complaint, if you're order, DO NOT make mistakes in your address. They ship almost immediately which is good but I made a mistake on my Google Pay address to an old address and could not change it. I was sweating because I wanted the last doped out case for my phone but in the end I got in contact with the carrier and they made an exception and I got my case. Other than that, ghostek seems severely underrated but as a phone enthusiast and photographer who buys A LOT of cases. In the hundreds over the recent years, I've never liked a case this much. It's always been between dBrand Grip, Tech21 or Spigen. Now that I've used the covert, felt the design and the feel I can honestly say this will probably be my go to case. The dopedout m artwork is insane and it's about time companies started doing stuff like this. I know it's expensive but it's worth it. Having art in our pocket, because of your brand I'm a new dopedout M fan. The creative side plus city aspect and the unique colours are all things that resonate with me as a city creative. Loved this case, loved the collab and glad to see how great your products are. Covert is a must have case. Once you get it you'll see. Lastly, I had the exec for my pixel 6. Wasn't a huge fan. Because of that years ago I stopped getting these cases. I was drawn in by the kickstand and hinge protection and now I'm a huge fan. Keep up the great work and please launch more collabs. I think it'll be the differentiator that separates you long term because this is honestly a super dope idea and I love my case. It feels like it actually adds value to my phone. 10/10 would purchase again.